(click on our pictures to read more)

Nibbhaya helped found Worcester Buddhist Centre around 20 years ago. He's an order member and runs most of our classes.

Hridayagita came across Worcester Buddhist Centre in 2007. She moved to Taraloka Retreat Centre in 2009 to live in the residential community there, and was ordained in 2014. Her name means “Song of the Heart”. She loves sharing a sense of play and ease in meditation, study and her ethical practice.

Sthiradharma was ordained in 2021. He helps teach and often leads our Pujas.

Miles is training for ordination. He helps run intro courses and leads some of the regulars' classes. He also looks after this website!

Karen is training for ordination. She helps out at our classes and edits the newsletter.

Parveen has been practising within the Triratna Buddhist Community for several years and has asked for ordination. She helps out with running some of the classes. Parveen is also a secular mindfulness teacher having successfully completed an MsC in Teaching Mindfulness at Bangor University in 2017.